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How to Remove Inactive Facebook Friends (2023)

If Facebook were to be a country, it would be the most populous country globally, leaving China behind with over 400 million people.

With such a high number of users, the chances are that not everyone will be active on the platform. Many people will be there just to increase the number.

According to BBC, a theory by Robin Dunbar’s highlighted that anyone could only really maintain about 150 connections at once. So if you have 10,000 Facebook friends, you’re likely to only interact with 150 of them. 

Knowing fully well that it’s not always by the numbers is suitable. And identifying valuable friends and knowing which to continue to engage with is better.

In this post, I will share how to remove inactive Facebook friends.

But first, who are the inactive Facebook friends?

Who Are The Inactive Facebook Friends?

Your Inactive Facebook friends are those on Facebook that don’t interact with you. They don’t contribute to your Facebook activity, they don’t publish posts or stories, neither do they like nor comment on posts. They are solely on Facebook to up the numbers.

This could be due to their busy schedules, or they simply decide to stay away from the platform.

While these categories of Facebook users are primarily present, there are reasons why you should remove them so that you can concentrate on those that you can reach with your impactful content, and you can also learn.

Why You Should Remove Inactive Facebook Friends

As the Facebook platform allows users to establish new friendships or nurture existing ones among people from remote locations, the myriads of Facebook contacts gradually become redundant if not actively fed. 

That way, a Facebook active user is left with two headways:

  • It’s either you amass many friends and suffer from fatigue as you appeal to them to actively engage your content or 
  • Have a handful of friends who engage your content without you asking for it.

You should remove inactive Facebook friends because;

1. It’s good for your mental health.

Dealing with many people means dealing with many problems, especially when they trust that you can offer solutions to their problems.  This simple act can strain your cognitive capacity.

2. It helps maintain your privacy. 

If you’re not careful with your social media use, you’ll likely allow the online activities to intrude on your privacy. By removing some inactive friends, you’ll probably take out some Facebook friends that are there only to stalk your progress.

3. It filters up to your newsfeed.

Instead of dealing with notifications about events and people that don’t resonate with you in any way, you can solve this problem when you remove inactive friends. And when they possibly share content, it doesn’t show up in your news feed. 

Can You Remove All Inactive Facebook Friends At Once?

Removing an inactive Facebook friend is easy. You can simply do it by visiting the person’s Facebook profile, then remove friends.

But if you want to remove many Facebook friends, that could be a chore as that’s not possible from the Facebook platform. There are third-party tools; Google extensions precisely that can help you achieve this.

Here are some tools that you can use to achieve this:

3 Chrome Extension For Removing Inactive Facebook Friends

1. Multiple Tools for Facebook

The Multiple Tools for Facebook Chrome Extension allows you to remove inactive friends. It also deactivates and can scan through the interactions you have with friends on Facebook.  

The tool has a friend requests manager that manages the friend requests you receive and send out. This tool productively helps you to manage your Facebook friends as it simply finds, selects, and unfriends your inactive friends, just at one click.

It uses a fast scanning process through your entire friends’ list and displaying all your Facebook friends in descending order. It also demonstrates their engagement level and then allows you to select the ones you want to remove. 

This tool is free but it has premium features that costs between $20 – $40.

2. Smart Friends Remover for Facebook

The smart Friends Remover for Facebook chrome extension is used to delete your inactive friends on Facebook in seconds. 

Once you add this extension to your Chrome extension pack, you’ll be able to unfriend inactive friends by using features such as selecting or deselecting a friend, identifying the number of mutual friends, count the messages you’ve exchanged, etc. 

This way, you can measure their activeness on the platform and decide if you want to keep them or not.

It has other features like knowing the number of comments from your newsfeed, the number of likes and reactions for every friend, advanced friends ranking, and the one click-delete all selected friends feature. This tool is free to use.

3. Friend Filter for Facebook   

The FriendFilter for Facebook Chrome extension is a tool that lets you manage your friends’ list, track engagement, and locate inactive profiles to unfriend on Facebook. 

This tool scans through your Facebook page and reports the friends that engage in your posts. This way, you’re able to find the friends who are engaging with your posts and remove the friends who are not engaging.

With these Chrome extensions, all you need is to add them by searching for them on Google and adding them to your tool kit.

With a single click, while you can sign into the Facebook platform, you’ll delete all your inactive friends and get some intel about them. This tool is free but it has a pro version at a fee.

How to Remove Inactive Facebook Friends

Now that you have some of the tools that we can use to remove inactive Facebook friends let’s see how one of them works.

Step one:

Type  “Remove Friends On Facebook; Chrome Extension” into the Google search bar.

Step two:

Then click on the first results as shown in the screenshot below.

Step three:

Click on “Add to Chrome.”

Step four:

After that is done, you’ll see the icon appear on the right side of your address bar, as shown in the screenshot below.

Step five:

Click the icon and enter your Facebook login.

Step six:

When you do so, it loads and displays your Facebook friends and how they engage with your posts. It shows the number of likes and comments that they have on your posts.

Now you can decide on which Facebook friend to delete.

Final Thoughts

Not everyone knows that they are tools that help you enjoy your Facebook experience. Either for personal or business endeavors, many of these tools exist.

Group Leads is a Google Chrome extension in the business and productivity categories that help you generate leads on your Facebook Group. 

Managing and growing a Facebook group is complex and even more complicated when you need to generate leads that you can actively engage with outside Facebook, so you’re not always at Mark’s mercy.

Instead of manually copying and pasting your new members’ information from a Facebook group to MS Excel or Google sheet and then importing the emails to your email autoresponder, Group Leads does this on autopilot.

You can effortlessly be generating leads while you’re having fun with families and friends.

Try Group Leads for 7 days, and you’ll see for yourself.