Today, I stumbled upon the new Facebook Group feature which allows group admins to be able to ask better and smarter questions from group members.
This feature added two new Facebook group membership question types to new member question area as well as the button to create rules for your group.
With this, you would be able to make use of checkboxes and radio buttons to ask Facebook group questions so that your users can choose the most relevant answer when they join your Facebook group.
The normal written answer format has not gone anywhere if you feel that’s what suit your need also.
Facebook Group Questions Are The New Gold
Facebook group questions are the new gold that is yet to be discovered by many Facebook group owners in 2020.
Even though this feature was released in 2017, it is not actually new. The Facebook team revamped it recently and radio buttons and checkboxes were added.
Today, am going to show you exactly how to set up and leverage the new Facebook group onboarding questions to survey your audience and even build a giant email list.
Let’s dive right in.
What Are Facebook Group Questions?
Facebook group questions are onboarding questions you ask your new members when they join your Facebook group.
It is very easy to set up. Each Facebook membership question can accommodate answers up to 200 characters when filled up by new members.
Answers can be in the form of checkboxes, multiple-choice, or good old plain text, which most Facebook group moderators, marketers, community managers, and business owners are now using to request for emails from new members.
The group questions are not mandatory for new members and it can only be asked in open or private groups. So, it is not applicable to secret Facebook groups.
Facebook Group Question Reminder
What usually happens is that when new members decide not to answer the entry questions the first time they request to join the group, Facebook reminds them after three hours. They will see this as a form of notification.
Then after this time, there would be further notifications every 24 hours for the next three days.
So, as a group admin, you are advised to give new members who are trying to join your group 3 days to fill up your questions before approving them.
This can be achieved by filtering out the membership requests, and then approving only those who submitted the answers at a time.
Facebook Group Question Ideas
Knowing the benefits of asking Facebook group questions in your community is one thing. Being able to really come up with the question to ask is another thing. Bear in mind that the answers you get here should be able to help you create a better community experience for you and your members.
As you’ve probably seen in other Facebook groups, most admins request an email in the last question.
It does work for some but I have a few of my Facebook group clients who told me they prefer to ask for the email either in the first or second question because most new members don’t usually scroll down to see the last question.
You would want to create the best first impression for your new members by promising them something they might not get somewhere else, or at least helping them solve their most pressing problem.
Below are a few examples of how Facebook group experts are structuring their third questions.
The first and second questions can be anything.
From my experience, I see a lot of marketers letting new members know that self-promotion, as well as spamming, are not allowed in their group. They are asking for this in the first question.
You can use the second question to let new members know you can provide a solution to the problems they currently have. Use it to position yourself as the authority in your niche and they will be eager to get in asap.
If I were you, I would look for one of my best lead magnets and use it to convince new members to drop their email addresses before joining the group.
You can use the Group Leads chrome extension to add these emails to your autoresponder and your email marketing software will deliver the lead magnet to them automatically.
Simple and easy.
How to Ask Smarter Facebook Group Questions
In order to access this feature on your Facebook group, please follow the following steps:
1. Go over to the group where you want to enable this and click on the More menu at the top and then click on Edit Group Settings from the drop-down.

2. You need to scroll down to the Membership requests section and then click on the Ask Questions button over there.

3. On the new page, you will be able to add group rules as well as different group membership question types, as shown in the image below.
4. Clicking on the ask question button loads a popup that lets you add different kinds of membership questions for your new group members to answer.
You’ve got multiple choice, checkboxes as well as the regular written answer.

Once this is saved, the first question each member would see when they want to join your group is what is shown above.
You can add more questions in addition to the first one. In fact, many smart marketers are asking for email as the last question and I will advise you to do the same.
Then, they make use of tools such as group leads to take each of the questions and their answers and every other detail about each member to Google Sheets shown below.
Not only this, Group Leads would as well add the emails of the new group members to an email list on any email autoresponder service of your choice.
Isn’t that cool? You can take a look at Group Leads here, and am sure you would definitely love it.
Final Thoughts
In this write-up, you’ve been able to learn how to use the new Facebook group question feature that allows you to use new membership question types to ask smarter questions from your group members in 2020.
Have you started using this feature?
If your answer is yes, you need to start leveraging this to get the best out of your Facebook Group.